It can take courage
To let people know
They've wronged us

But sometimes
It takes 
Even more courage
To let our hurts

Reason being
That to let
Other people
Off the hook
Requires complete
And total
In ourselves

In the possibility
That our future
Will in no way
Resemble our past

That we 
And we alone
Are enough

It’s often much easier
To hold on
To the story

Even though
It no longer
Serves us

It’s often 
More comfortable
To stay
With what
Is known

That to surrender
To the unknown

We often
Tell ourselves
A story 
About how ONE day
We’ll make the change 

How one day
We’ll make the shift

One day
Just as soon
As we "feel" ready

But for most people
That one day
Turns into many days
Many years
Many decades 

And we find
Still here

Still waiting
Still telling our story
The SAME story

To whoever will listen

Often this story
Is a story
From long, long ago

Often it involves people
Who are no longer here
In a physical body

I'm not writing this
To bring you down

I want you to know
Your pain is valid
And your story is real

But you still
Get to
Make a decision

A decision that says
From this second on
You’re going to say
To the old story
And that you’re going 
To write a new one
To take its place

You can thank your story
For it has kept you safe
All these years

But you no longer need
Your story
Because now
You have You

Now you can rely
On You

Can count on You

I promise you
No matter what anybody
May have told you 
No matter what
You may have been through

You can learn
To trust yourself

You have the courage
To let your hurts go

To let your story go

You haven't missed anything

Your story has served
Its purpose
It's safe to let it go

You - even without your hurts
Even without your story

Are enough

Joy is your natural state
It’s time for you to remember

To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.