Why Adults Say the Dumbest
Things to Young People
Not all adults
But let’s be honest
A fair share of them
Really do say
The craziest things
To young people
Not because
The Youth
Is naive
But because
The majority
Of adults
Checked out
Long ago
And don’t know it
You see
The Programming
In humanity
So deep
In fact
That it takes
Many of us
Just to figure out
That we’re running
On a false program
In the first place
And even after that
Even after that initial
Point of awakening
The business
Of STAYING awake
Takes work
So to anyone
Reading this
I want you to know
That the only reason
Anyone tells anyone
Not to go after
Their dreams
Is because
That person
Probably long ago
Not to go after
Their own
Or maybe they DID
Go after their dreams
But things didn’t
Work out for them
So now
— disillusioned with
their own life —
They don’t want
The same “fate” for you
Just to be clear
This is not an invitation
To point the finger
Or blame your parents
That would be
A disservice
Both to yourself
And to humanity
In most cases
Parents mean well
And are simply
Trying to protect you
From what they see
As unnecessary pain
Instead of blaming anyone
This is an invitation
For all of us
As a collective
To become more aware
Based on my experience
With my own parents
Who always mean well
This is what
I know for sure:
Another person’s experience
Has absolutely
To do with you
Or with your experience
If you don’t know that
It will hurt you
Because we’re impacted
— whether we like it or not —
By our environment
In fact
We absorb
Our environment
Through osmosis
The beliefs of the people
You surround yourself with
Become YOUR beliefs
So my best advice
Especially to the youth
Is to stop listening
To anyone
— however well-meaning —
Who tries to guide you
From a place of fear
Commit yourself fully
To the evolution
Of your own Soul
In whatever way
Feels right for you
Understand that
Other people
Can only reflect back
To you
Who THEY are
Not who you are
And lastly
That nobody
Can ever meet you
At a level
Of consciousness
Beyond their own
Stay awake
Stay sovereign
Joy truly is your natural state
It’s time we all remember
To our collective growth,
Tara x