collective consciousness

To My Shadow Workers


Photo Credit: @pilupepper on Instagram

First off, I love you all. Otherwise I wouldn’t bother.

Dairy — An Industry Built On Exploitation, Lies and Hidden Addictions

We humans are quite silly. In a kind of tragic way, to be honest.

We go on about peace while paying for the worst acts of violence. Like separating a mother and her baby.

Obviously that makes no sense.

And then we act helpless, as though we’re not creating the world by virtue of our collective behaviors. Why do we do this?

For those who don’t know, cows cannot produce milk without getting pregnant. Yep. Just like humans.

And contrary to what the idyllic images of cows strolling merrily along the fields would have you believe, they are not just naturally getting pregnant or breeding on their own.

This is actually a 180° inversion of the truth. Like most things.

In reality, they are held in what the industry itself calls ‘rape racks’ — can’t make this stuff up.

Yes. That’s how they get pregnant.

Then, not only are their babies taken away from them so that humans can drink the ‘milk’ intended for their newborn — because you know cheese.

But these mothers are in fact physically violated over and over again in a continuous nightmare that constitutes their life.

Just to give you an idea of the level of exploitation and exhaustion they go through, what would naturally be a 20-25 year lifespan, won’t be more than 4-5 years. At which point she will be sent to slaughter.

Because coconut creamer for your coffee is too much to ask.

All the daughters she gives birth to will live the same fate as her. Her sons will have it a bit better, as they will be kept in tiny crates so their muscles can’t fully develop. Then slaughtered while still babies.

So people can eat ‘veal’ (tender meat caused by immobility) but at least they will have the good fortune of having a much shorter life.

Perhaps it’s time to be more honest about our true values. And stop shouting about things that we’re not actually willing to change.

To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






Trusting the government is like trusting an abusive partner.

We want so badly to believe that they care but deep in our soul we know the truth.

We cannot “obedience” our way out of an abusive relationship. It must be seen for what it is. And left behind.

This is the real task + this takes effort because it means doing the internal work that allows us to say no. And mean it.

To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






How To Rewire Your Experience

Dear Friend,

The human mind 

Is wired for story


Once you understand that

It will become very clear

That one of the best ways

To up-level your life

Is to tell your mind a story

That you actually want

To experience 


Stories are how

We make sense

Of the world

Around us


The problem is

That most of the stories

We tell ourselves

Don’t actually serve us


Not only that

But most of the stories

We tell ourselves

Aren’t even true 


They usually come from 

Experiences we had

Early on in our childhoods

But they might also come 

From traumatic experiences 

We had as adults


Beyond that

Our stories come from

The collective field 

Of human programming

Which is always telling us

— in one way or another —

That we are not whole

And complete

As we are


Some of the most common stories

That people have running

In their field are:


I’m not enough


My feelings don’t matter


I’ll never be successful


I’ll never find true love


Other more specific examples

Might include:


I’m not smart enough 


I have a learning disorder

And that’s why I’ll never be successful 


I was abused as a child

So there must be something 

Wrong with me


The most important takeaway

From all of this

Is for you to know

That you are not
The thoughts you think


And you are not even

The emotions you feel

Although these things 

Drastically shape your experience

They are not who you are


The second most important 



Is for you to know 

That you are fully capable 

Of re-writing your story


With practice


And a hefty dose

Of self-compassion

You can — over time — create 

A new reality for yourself


Here is a 5 step process

I share with my clients

When they feel stuck

In a story or pattern

That doesn’t serve them




Whenever you’re experiencing 

An unpleasant emotion

It’s super important 

To ask yourself:


“What’s the story I’m telling 

myself right now?”


And the second question 

Is always gonna be


“Does this story I’m telling 

myself serve me?”



This is SO important 


It means I forgive myself 

For not knowing before

What I know now


Without this element 

Of self-forgiveness

We run the risk  

Of living

In a perpetual loop 




Be kind to yourself 

When you feel ‘less than’

When you feel scared

When you feel like

You might never ‘get it right’


Be willing to see the scared

Little boy or girl



Who doesn’t yet know

How to navigate the world


Acknowledge that the inner child

Is still alive and well in all of us

And simply needs the love

That she or he didn’t get early on


Beating ourselves up

Is not a strategy for success 




See your thoughts and emotions

As clouds passing through the sky


In other words

Don’t make too much of them

This is about the practice 

Of non-attachment


Regular meditation

Can help you learn

To calm your mind


And this will help you 

Learn to hold things 

More lightly


Walks in nature

Are my personal favorite
Form of meditation 




It’s always important 

To ask ourselves 

What price we’re paying

For any thought, behavior

Or activity we’re taking part in


So the question here would be:

“What is the price I’m paying 

for this story?”


And then ask yourself

If the price is worth it


For example

If you have a story 

That you’re not smart enough 


The cost you  might be paying 

Is that you never take risks

Or never step outside your

Comfort zone


The price of this story 

Is pretty self-evident

As you probably miss out 

On a fair share of life experiences 

By holding onto this story




And last but not least

You have to ask yourself

What story you would rather

Be experiencing 


The important thing is 

You’ll want to make it

Feel true


When it comes to creating

Or manifesting anything


It’s super important

That your subconscious mind

Be able to ‘buy into’ 

The new story
You’re trying to ‘sell it’


More specifically
This means using soft statements

When big statements feel 

A bit too out of reach


For example

If you find yourself
Surrounded by really talented

And high level people

You might notice
A sense of self-doubt 

Coming up


But instead of “I’m not good enough”

Or “I’ll never measure up”


You can simply say 

To yourself “I notice that 

this is an old story”


Anytime you get stuck

Go over this list

And see where 

Your personal 

Stumbling block might be


Some people have

An easy time

Telling themselves 

A new story
But they have a hard time

When they fall into Shame 


So if that’s you

You’ll want to pay 

Particular attention to 

Step 1: Letting Yourself Off The Hook


Be kind to yourself

But be consistent in your practice


Everything in this life 

Carries with it
A specific muscle memory


So the more you do it

The better and easier it becomes


Joy is your natural state

It’s time for you to remember 


To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.




Black Lives


Why they matter and why being silent is also ok

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

Dear Friend,

So I’ve been thinking

Long and hard 

About whether or not

To speak on this


And about the push back

I might get

From various groups

And people


But to honor my path

And my personal agreement

With God

Which is to always act

In alignment with the highest version

Of myself

— even when it’s uncomfortable —

I feel the need to speak on it



There are two things

I really feel the need

To address

This week


Especially in light of

Everything that’s going on

In the world at the moment


The first:

Whether or not it’s ok

To stay silent right now


And the second: 

Whether the phrase All Lives Matter

Is an acceptable response

To the phrase Black Lives Matter 


As I break down my thoughts 

On each of these 

It may seem like 

I’m on two different sides

Of the issue


And that’s part of why

I was initially hesitant

To speak on it


So all I ask

Is that you hear me out

Before drawing your conclusions 


So the first issue:

Do I feel it’s ok to stay silent right now?


Yes — not only do I feel it’s ok

But in some cases, I would actually prefer

People stay silent


Specifically I’m referring to people

Who are not — for one reason or other —

Speaking out 

About the murder

Of George Floyd


As someone who works 1:1 

With some of the biggest

Influencers, athletes

And thought leaders

In the world


I can tell you for certain 

That silence is not always

A sign of apathy


In fact, I’ve been having

Some of the most difficult

And meaningful conversations 

Of my life this past week


Some people — both black

and white — aren’t ready 

To come out and speak about 

What’s happening yet

Because they’re still processing

Their feelings


Others feel like they need

To stay silent and LISTEN

So they can fully appreciate 

What’s going on

And THEN speak out


And that’s a distinction I feel

It’s important to make 

Everyone’s timeline is different


Personally, I would much rather 

People actually be IN 

Their authentic feelings

Truly listening to others 

With an open mind and heart


I would much rather people LISTEN

While going through an authentic process

Of deep awakening & internal change


Than to jump on social media and speak

Just for the sake of speaking


Or, even worse, to say something 

That isn’t really heartfelt 


We can all see through it

When someone is just giving lip service


To a certain issue 


But doesn’t really FEEL 

The emotional resonance 

Of their own words


I don’t know about you

But to me it’s clear as day

When someone is simply speaking

Out of fear or a sense of obligation 


And quite honestly

It’s painful to listen to 


I think it’s also worth saying

Some people don’t know 

WHAT they feel

And if they do know

They don’t know HOW 

To actually speak on it

Or maybe they’re just not ready to 


Which makes all the people online

Telling people that they have to speak up

That they’re being put “on notice” if they don’t

Similar to the people trying to tell everyone

The “right way” to protest



It’s all a form of bullying

And it’s a problem

No matter who’s doing it


Ok - now onto the second issue:


Is it ok to say All Lives Matter

When someone says Black Lives Matter


In my opinion

Absolutely not

It’s not only not ok

But it’s hugely dismissive, minimizing

And — I don’t love to use this word — 



I especially wanna say this 

To my beloved vegan community


Because I know many of you



And I know most of you

Would never intentionally

Minimize the pain of any group 


But please know that 

When you say all lives matter

You are acting no better 

Than that person in your comments section

Shouting things like “don’t you care about people”

When you try to bring to their attention 

The issue of animal suffering

Cruelty and slaughter 


Point being, pain must be witnessed

And fully acknowledged 

Before it can be healed 



It’s important to remember

That when someone says 

Black Lives Matter


They’re not actually 

Taking anything away 

From you


Or from any other cause 

Or movement for that matter


On the contrary

When we respond with 

All Lives Matter 


We ARE attempting 

— however unconsciously — 

to overlook and bypass 

Legitimate pain and suffering


And very legitimate rage


Not to be confused with violence 


Violence is an action

Whereas anger

Is an emotional response


And even though

Anger makes people uncomfortable 

It’s not the same as violence

And when it is actually accepted

Without judgment 

And without 

The need

To water it down


The anger serves 

A very important

And very necessary



Just as our anger 

In the vegan community

Mobilizes action


So it is

In any community


Let’s not forget that 

Oppression anywhere

Is oppression everywhere


Joy is our natural state


It’s time for us to remember


To our collective growth, 

Tara x






Vegan is the moral baseline, not the final frontier

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

I’m prepared 

To lose a few subscribers

On this one


Although I hope not to


In fact, I hope those of you

Who are the most active

In the vegan community

Might be willing

To give this some thought

And let me know

What you come up with


Believe me when I say

That this is a long ways

From how I used to feel

Just a few years ago


That’s not to say

That how I feel now

Is any better or worse


This is just my current perspective

And I'm sharing it

In hopes

That it will add to yours


First, let me just say 

That the work vegan activists do

Is far from easy

And I don’t just mean

The 'external' work of activism

I mean the internal, emotional work


There is much trauma

In our community


And for very good reason


The suffering that animals

On this planet endure

At the hands of humans

Is truly beyond

The realm of comprehension


And I’d like each

And every one of you

To know

That your pain

Is a sign of your humanity


It’s not something

To try and hide


On the contrary

The ability to feel deeply

Is a beautiful thing


And as vegans

Isn’t that what we want? 

For other people to feel more deeply? 


To feel for those

Who don’t walk or talk

Or look like them?

To finally make the (vegan) connection? 


I know for myself

It’s that disconnect

In the world

That sometimes 

Breaks me down


And yes

At times

Still fills me with rage


But to take that pain

And turn it into a weapon

To use on other people 

Or social media

As a place 

To take and essentially dump

All our pain and trauma

Doesn't necessarily serve
The animals


And I don't believe

It serves us either


Shame does not open people up

To compassion


The energy of anger

— if not properly harnessed — 

Can cause more pain

And disconnection

Than it cures


And — whether it’s intentional

or not — 

Inducing repeat-trauma

In people

Is not our path

To a better world


The way I see it

The most direct path

To a more compassionate world

"out there"

Is for us to embody

The compassion

We want to see in others

"in here"


In all that we do

In all that we share

In all that we speak


Yes, it’s very challenging at times

But isn’t that the work?


Isn't our job

To keep improving

And evolving

As Souls in a human body?


Do I believe that being vegan

Is a part of that evolution?

Yes - I absolutely do


But I think 

It's just as important

For us to remember

That we ALL came here

To do our personal work


Being vegan

Doesn’t exempt us

From this process


If we’re doing it for the animals

Then we need to do what is effective


If we’re doing it for the animals

Then we need to keep in mind

That others are not less than us

And that — karmically speaking —

The corrections are alway made

Whether in this life 

Or the next


However imperfect we may all be

We are still fellow earthlings


And ultimately

We are here

To walk each other 

Back home


To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.




The Programming


Why Adults Say the Dumbest
Things to Young People

Not all adults

But let’s be honest

A fair share of them

Really do say

The craziest things

To young people


Not because 

The Youth

Is naive


But because 

The majority

Of adults

Checked out

Long ago

And don’t know it


You see 

The Programming

In humanity



So deep

In fact

That it takes

Many of us


Just to figure out

That we’re running 

On a false program

In the first place


And even after that

Even after that initial 

Point of awakening


The business 

Of STAYING awake

Takes work


So to anyone 

Reading this

I want you to know 

That the only reason

Anyone tells anyone

Not to go after 

Their dreams


Is because 

That person 


Probably long ago

Not to go after 

Their own


Or maybe they DID 

Go after their dreams

But things didn’t 

Work out for them 


So now

— disillusioned with 

their own life — 

They don’t want 

The same “fate” for you


Just to be clear

This is not an invitation

To point the finger

Or blame your parents


That would be

A disservice

Both to yourself 

And to humanity 



In most cases

Parents mean well

And are simply 

Trying to protect you

From what they see

As unnecessary pain


Instead of blaming anyone


This is an invitation 

For all of us

As a collective

To become more aware


Based on my experience 

With my own parents

Who always mean well


This is what 

I know for sure:


Another person’s experience 

Has absolutely 


To do with you

Or with your experience



If you don’t know that

It will hurt you



Because we’re impacted

— whether we like it or not —

By our environment


In fact

We absorb 

Our environment 

Through osmosis 


The beliefs of the people

You surround yourself with

Become YOUR beliefs


So my best advice

Especially to the youth

Is to stop listening

To anyone 

— however well-meaning —

Who tries to guide you

From a place of fear



Commit yourself fully


To the evolution

Of your own Soul


In whatever way

Feels right for you


Understand that 

Other people

Can only reflect back 

To you

Who THEY are


Not who you are


And lastly


That nobody

Can ever meet you

At a level 

Of consciousness

Beyond their own


Stay awake

Stay sovereign 


Joy truly is your natural state

It’s time we all remember


To our collective growth,
Tara x






You’re either observing Your reality 
Or you’re creating it

You’re either observing 

Your reality 

Or you’re creating it

But you’re absolutely


Doing both

It’s fine to be aware

Of what’s going on

In the world


If you give 

All your attention 

To it

Then not only

Are you not

Giving your attention

To your own life

But you’re also

Not changing


About the world

Don’t get me wrong

To some extent

We do need to be aware

So on the face of it

There’s nothing wrong with that

But there’s

An even deeper truth

That I’ve learned

Which is that 

In order to change 

The world

We have to change 


This sounds easy

On the surface

But it’s not

Because in order 

To change ourselves

We have to work

From the inside out

And because

If you commit deeply

To this work

You will realize

That it never ends 

Which also means

If you committed deeply

To this work

You don’t have time

For distractions

I understand 

That this reality

Is very compelling

And I know

There are many



Not right

With this world

But that right there

Is actually

All the more


To commit

To the inner work

Because this is truly

The only way

To Shift 

To alchemize

To bend

And to alter 

The reality 

We perceive 

And experience 

So yes
Do acknowledge

What troubles you

About the world

But use your pain

Your anger

Your passion

To fuel your impact

To Expand 

Your heart 

Not to contract it

Joy is your natural state

It’s time for you to remember 

To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






Why Being Vegan is a Prerequisite for a Relationship

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

This message 
Is for you 
Whether you’re vegan 
Or not not
Not everyone will agree
But to me
Being vegan
Is a prerequisite
For a partnership
There are actually
Lots of reasons
For this
But let me give you
My primary one
The main argument 
People make

For why being vegan
Shouldn’t matter 
In a romantic relationship 
Usually goes something 
Like this:
Two people 
Don’t have to have
The exact same beliefs
To be happy together
My aunt is Republican
My uncle is a Democrat
They’ve been happily married
For 35 years
A similar argument 
Is made
For people 
With different
Religious backgrounds  
And I’m sure these scenarios exist
But political and religious issues
Have nothing on Veganism
Because two people 
With different political
Or even religious views
May still have
Very  similar morals
In other words
The WAY they live their life
Their personal code of conduct
May be identical - or very close to it
Regardless of who they voted for
Or what God they pray to
This is totally not the case
When it comes to being vegan
Because not only is being vegan
A deep and fundamental belief 
That one species is not superior 
To another 
But identifying as vegan
Actually requires action/behavior
That is in alignment
With this fundamental belief
And the action that it requires
Unlike with a lot of other issues
Isn’t “gray” or open to interpretation
The parameters are clear
And the boundaries - therefore
Are impossible to miss
I’ve seen countless vegans
Try time and time again
To come together with someone
Who doesn’t share 
In their moral code
Not only that
But I’ve done it myself

And it has caused
Both them and myself
A ton of unnecessary suffering
Now to circle back
To what I said
At the start

This message 
Is for anyone
Vegan or not
Who has ever
Tried to deny
The Truth
Of you who are
Stop pretending 
Like you don’t know
What you want
What you need
What you desire
What you deserve
Stop pretending
Like you don’t know
What your Soul 
Is calling for
Stop pretending 
Like you don’t know
Who you are
And what matters to you
So damn deeply
That until you have it
The way you want it
You don’t want it
Joy is your natural state
It’s time for you to remember 
To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.




Make the Connection


Everyone has at least heard about the disastrous wildfires in Australia by now. But did you know that the same number of animals dying in the fires (an estimated 500 million) is slaughtered every two days for meat consumption?


Please take a moment to make the connection to your own habits and consider opting for a lifestyle that doesn’t include violence towards animals. If you find yourself having compassion when seeing the burned cattle bodies in Australia, how can you not have compassion for the same creatures being slaughtered for your dinner? 😢It’s time to look to the things we have control over.


If you have questions please reply by email.




It's a Calling


Activism and social justice aren’t about doing what “makes sense” — they’re about doing what you know deep within your Soul you came here to do. So you can leave this world a better place for your (our) children and for all Life on Earth.

Somedays it’s about doing what you need to do — SAYING what you need to say — just so you can sleep at night.

When you allow yourself to be available to the life God wants for you, it’s not a hustle. It’s a calling. Stay woke. I love you all

♥️🌱 Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






Our fellow humans walk this earth with experiences that most of us know nothing about. A dialogue about anything - whether we agree with the other’s point of view or not - does not have to threaten us

As a mental health therapist, the more global reason I was inspired to talk about this is summarized in the last video.

Here are the bullet points:

1. White privilege isn’t like the tooth fairy, it’s not a matter of whether you “choose to” believe in it or not

2. White privilege doesn’t mean that you are wrong, bad, or necessarily racist just because you are white. It’s not about the wrongdoings of any one specific individual

3. White privilege does not necessarily mean that you have the socioeconomic benefits we tend to associate with the word privilege. I think this one is especially challenging for us as Americans to accept because we are much more comfortable talking about class in this country than we are talking about race, at least compared to people in other parts of the world in my experience. And yes, there’s a correlation but they are still two different demographic variables

4. Last but not least, the subject of white privilege - like all important issues in our world - is part of a bigger conversation about the human experience. It’s about how painful it is to take our blinders off and actually see things that we previously knew nothing (or very little) about

Without some level of self-awareness, our default is to be outraged at the person sharing the message (vocal vegans and activists of all kinds should know a lot about this) because it’s sooo much easier to point the finger and try to silence the messenger than it is to look at ourselves

Additional thoughts:

Our fellow humans walk this earth with experiences that most of us know nothing about. A dialogue about anything - whether we agree with the other’s point of view or not - does not have to threaten us

But - if & when it does, the answer is not to continue looking outwards, but to look at ourselves and where we still have healing to do

With the right mindset, intentions, and conversations, we are much stronger together than we ever could be apart

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.







I went vegan for the animals and only for the animals.
But as I’ve educated myself over the years, I’ve learned that living vegan is a matter of justice.
It’s a matter of class justice.
It’s a matter of race justice.
It’s a matter of environmental justice.
It’s a matter of human justice as much as it is a matter of animal justice.
That’s why when people ask me if it’s hard, I almost can’t even comprehend the question.
Now before you judge that statement and use it as a reason to judge vegans, please understand that I don’t mean that in an egotistical way.
I’m just saying that at some point you realize it’s not about you.
But then you go a little deeper, and you realize that you actually benefit from the decision to give up animal products.
And then the only thought left is why you didn’t do it sooner.
The simple decision of what you choose to eat can single-handedly eliminate the suffering and slaughter of billions of innocent lives.
Not to mention, take down the cruelest industries and wealthiest people on the planet (just to be clear, I’m not against them because they’re wealthy, but just like people who have made their billions by making people sick - think tobacco industry - or by enslaving women, I’m against them because of the means they have chosen to come into that wealth)
Animal lives.
Human lives.
Mother Earth.
My health.
The degradation of this entire world ecosystem — all of it rests on what I choose to put in my mouth.
So yes, it’s about our human responsibility.
I don’t know why we’re so afraid of that word.
It feels good to be responsible.
It feels good to know I’m doing what I can to reduce the suffering on this planet.
It feels good to sleep with a clear conscience at night.
And yes, on a personal level, it feels good to know that I’ve slowed down the aging process.
It feels good to have a lot of energy.
it feels good to have clear skin and healthy intestines.
It feels good to put food in my mouth that I know came from the earth and not from someone who once had a heartbeat.
So it appeals to my self interest as much as it appeals to my desire to do good.
To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.




living vegan is a matter of justice.



I went vegan for the animals and only for the animals.
But as I’ve educated myself over the years, I’ve learned that living vegan is a matter of justice.
It’s a matter of class justice.
It’s a matter of race justice.
It’s a matter of environmental justice.
It’s a matter of human justice as much as it is a matter of animal justice.
That’s why when people ask me if it’s hard, I almost can’t even comprehend the question.
Now before you judge that statement and use it as a reason to judge vegans, please understand that I don’t mean that in an egotistical way.
I’m just saying that at some point you realize it’s not about you.
But then you go a little deeper, and you realize that you actually benefit from the decision to give up animal products.
And then the only thought left is why you didn’t do it sooner.
The simple decision of what you choose to eat can single-handedly eliminate the suffering and slaughter of billions of innocent lives.
Not to mention, take down the cruelest industries and wealthiest people on the planet (just to be clear, I’m not against them because they’re wealthy, but just like people who have made their billions by making people sick - think tobacco industry - or by enslaving women, I’m against them because of the means they have chosen to come into that wealth)
Animal lives.
Human lives.
Mother Earth.
My health.
The degradation of this entire world ecosystem — all of it rests on what I choose to put in my mouth.
So yes, it’s about our human responsibility.
I don’t know why we’re so afraid of that word.
It feels good to be responsible.
It feels good to know I’m doing what I can to reduce the suffering on this planet.
It feels good to sleep with a clear conscience at night.
And yes, on a personal level, it feels good to know that I’ve slowed down the aging process.
It feels good to have a lot of energy.
it feels good to have clear skin and healthy intestines.
It feels good to put food in my mouth that I know came from the earth and not from someone who once had a heartbeat.
So it appeals to my self interest as much as it appeals to my desire to do good.
To our collective growth,
Tara x

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