It’s time to dig deep

Into the world we actually

WANT to create 


It’s time to take 

The reality that “IS”

And replace it with 

The reality that we desire 


In order to do this

We must be willing

To become experts 

On Self


We must become willing 

To practice

The art of discernment


The discernment to know

Where we are — within every 

aspect of our lives —

And the willingness

To act on that discernment 


After all

Most everything 

In life

Involves paradox


And the ability

To move within 

Various shades of grey


You have to know

When it’s not only Ok

But necessary

To look at the evil 

In the world


And you have to know

How long to look at it for


You have to remember

— should you choose 

to be the true creator that

you came here to be —

That the things we don’t like


The things that hurt our hearts


Are there so that we can choose

More decisively 

What we DO want instead


This reality is about contrast

But what you do with that contrast

Is - and will always be - entirely up to you


You have to know

Which relationships 

And people

Are worth fighting for
And which are worth

Walking away from


Nobody outside of you

Will ever be able to give you

The answers to these questions 


Or be able to tell you

What your life purpose is

YOU and only you must be willing

To turn within, to fully and 

Completely lean into your 

Own pain and suffering


And to trust that it was

Not put on your heart in vein


You must CHOOSE to step 

Into your own power


And yes this is simply a choice

A choice that only you can make


You cannot be a victim of circumstance

And a creator of your reality at the same time


But once you do choose

Once you decide

The Universe will also

Step in and fully support you


Suggestions For Increased Clarity:


  1. Fasting


Look into a physical cleanse

Or detox of some kind


These aren’t hard to find

And don’t have to be complicated


Even juice or fruit fasting 

Is a great — and not terribly 

painful — way to reset your system


And since so much of our 

Reality is experienced through 

This body


It’s best to tend to your vessel

And love on it

As much as you can


Like anything else

It’s a practice 


And like anything else

You’ll enjoy it more

And get better results

If you can hold it lightly

Not beat yourself up for

Not being ‘perfect’

And release the habit 

Of comparing yourself

To other people


  1. Journal 


Take some time every day

To write about the life

And the world

You would love to see


Write using all your senses

Write about how it feels

To be this next version of you

Living the life of your dreams

Write about where you live

What you do for a living

The gifts that you choose to share

With the world


How you spend your time 

And so forth


Do your best to write freely

And without the constraints 

Of our outdated human programming

Which loves to tell us what is 

And isn’t “possible”


I promise you

It’s all possible

But you have to see it first


  1. Environment


Take a really good look

At the people you hang around

And the activities you spend 

Your time on


As you already know

We are the average 

Of the five people
We spend the most time with


So spend your time wisely

Be willing to cut out

— or r at least cut back — 

On activities that truly 

Don’t serve you or the life
You wrote about above 


This reality requires 

Aligned thoughts AND actions


Aligned actions that match

The energy and frequency 

Of our dreams


That is the only way

For them to materialize 


And materialize they will


But you have to be willing

To Focus 

In order to bring them about


Joy is your natural state

It’s time for you to remember 


To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.




Tara Daylami

Plagued by the kind of sensitivity (and awareness!) you almost wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy, I spent most of my childhood in a state of hyper-vigilance and inability to handle to slightest of criticisms. By my teenage years, this sensitivity had successfully matured to a full-blown rage which nothing -- and I mean NOTHING -- could console until, at 16, I was FINALLY introduced to illicit drugs (the likes of cocaine and ecstasy -- and, if you like, house music) which finally began to ameliorate what by this point could only be described as ACUTE PSYCHIC PAIN. But the story doesn't end there. I continued on. With hallucinogenics. With relationships. With theft. With alcohol. With lies and deceit and betrayal and infidelity for another 10 years. In the meantime, I graduated college (on time) and worked full time. I even met and got engaged to an amazing guy. But absolutely nothing could touch the emptiness I felt inside. And so I did what most people who can hardly stand to be in their own skin do: I sabotaged. I destroyed anything and everything that "threatened" to come close. That threatened to love me. Nothing terrified me more than being "found out" for who I really believed I was inside. Empty. Hollow. While, simultaneously, nothing terrified be more that the thought that no one ever would find out.

Oh and throughout all this, I might mention, I also returned to school to pursue none other that a career as a psychotherapist. It was as illogical then as it probably sounds to you now. But I can tell you this. That decision was made (with the help of my then fiancé) in 2003, and as I (metaphorically) sit before you today, I can hardly recognize that girl. Sure, our Soul may be eternal and never-changing, but for all practical purposes, who I was and the way I showed up in the world in virtually no way resembles the person I am today. I spent my 20s effectively destroying almost everything that crossed my path. And I spent most of my 30's trying to scrape off the last residue of guilt that the previous decade left on my soul. I would be lying to you if I said it hasn't been painful. Because it has. BUT! The thing about it is that everything is different now. All the work I have done over the last several decades. Because -- despite being a spinning ball of chaos for the first 35 years of my life -- I have ALWAYS KNOWN deep down inside that I was destined for more. A LOT MORE. And the thought of that terrified me as well.