Vegan is the moral baseline, not the final frontier

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

I’m prepared 

To lose a few subscribers

On this one


Although I hope not to


In fact, I hope those of you

Who are the most active

In the vegan community

Might be willing

To give this some thought

And let me know

What you come up with


Believe me when I say

That this is a long ways

From how I used to feel

Just a few years ago


That’s not to say

That how I feel now

Is any better or worse


This is just my current perspective

And I'm sharing it

In hopes

That it will add to yours


First, let me just say 

That the work vegan activists do

Is far from easy

And I don’t just mean

The 'external' work of activism

I mean the internal, emotional work


There is much trauma

In our community


And for very good reason


The suffering that animals

On this planet endure

At the hands of humans

Is truly beyond

The realm of comprehension


And I’d like each

And every one of you

To know

That your pain

Is a sign of your humanity


It’s not something

To try and hide


On the contrary

The ability to feel deeply

Is a beautiful thing


And as vegans

Isn’t that what we want? 

For other people to feel more deeply? 


To feel for those

Who don’t walk or talk

Or look like them?

To finally make the (vegan) connection? 


I know for myself

It’s that disconnect

In the world

That sometimes 

Breaks me down


And yes

At times

Still fills me with rage


But to take that pain

And turn it into a weapon

To use on other people 

Or social media

As a place 

To take and essentially dump

All our pain and trauma

Doesn't necessarily serve
The animals


And I don't believe

It serves us either


Shame does not open people up

To compassion


The energy of anger

— if not properly harnessed — 

Can cause more pain

And disconnection

Than it cures


And — whether it’s intentional

or not — 

Inducing repeat-trauma

In people

Is not our path

To a better world


The way I see it

The most direct path

To a more compassionate world

"out there"

Is for us to embody

The compassion

We want to see in others

"in here"


In all that we do

In all that we share

In all that we speak


Yes, it’s very challenging at times

But isn’t that the work?


Isn't our job

To keep improving

And evolving

As Souls in a human body?


Do I believe that being vegan

Is a part of that evolution?

Yes - I absolutely do


But I think 

It's just as important

For us to remember

That we ALL came here

To do our personal work


Being vegan

Doesn’t exempt us

From this process


If we’re doing it for the animals

Then we need to do what is effective


If we’re doing it for the animals

Then we need to keep in mind

That others are not less than us

And that — karmically speaking —

The corrections are alway made

Whether in this life 

Or the next


However imperfect we may all be

We are still fellow earthlings


And ultimately

We are here

To walk each other 

Back home


To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.