You’re either observing Your reality 
Or you’re creating it

You’re either observing 

Your reality 

Or you’re creating it

But you’re absolutely


Doing both

It’s fine to be aware

Of what’s going on

In the world


If you give 

All your attention 

To it

Then not only

Are you not

Giving your attention

To your own life

But you’re also

Not changing


About the world

Don’t get me wrong

To some extent

We do need to be aware

So on the face of it

There’s nothing wrong with that

But there’s

An even deeper truth

That I’ve learned

Which is that 

In order to change 

The world

We have to change 


This sounds easy

On the surface

But it’s not

Because in order 

To change ourselves

We have to work

From the inside out

And because

If you commit deeply

To this work

You will realize

That it never ends 

Which also means

If you committed deeply

To this work

You don’t have time

For distractions

I understand 

That this reality

Is very compelling

And I know

There are many



Not right

With this world

But that right there

Is actually

All the more


To commit

To the inner work

Because this is truly

The only way

To Shift 

To alchemize

To bend

And to alter 

The reality 

We perceive 

And experience 

So yes
Do acknowledge

What troubles you

About the world

But use your pain

Your anger

Your passion

To fuel your impact

To Expand 

Your heart 

Not to contract it

Joy is your natural state

It’s time for you to remember 

To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






It can take courage
To let people know
They've wronged us

But sometimes
It takes 
Even more courage
To let our hurts

Reason being
That to let
Other people
Off the hook
Requires complete
And total
In ourselves

In the possibility
That our future
Will in no way
Resemble our past

That we 
And we alone
Are enough

It’s often much easier
To hold on
To the story

Even though
It no longer
Serves us

It’s often 
More comfortable
To stay
With what
Is known

That to surrender
To the unknown

We often
Tell ourselves
A story 
About how ONE day
We’ll make the change 

How one day
We’ll make the shift

One day
Just as soon
As we "feel" ready

But for most people
That one day
Turns into many days
Many years
Many decades 

And we find
Still here

Still waiting
Still telling our story
The SAME story

To whoever will listen

Often this story
Is a story
From long, long ago

Often it involves people
Who are no longer here
In a physical body

I'm not writing this
To bring you down

I want you to know
Your pain is valid
And your story is real

But you still
Get to
Make a decision

A decision that says
From this second on
You’re going to say
To the old story
And that you’re going 
To write a new one
To take its place

You can thank your story
For it has kept you safe
All these years

But you no longer need
Your story
Because now
You have You

Now you can rely
On You

Can count on You

I promise you
No matter what anybody
May have told you 
No matter what
You may have been through

You can learn
To trust yourself

You have the courage
To let your hurts go

To let your story go

You haven't missed anything

Your story has served
Its purpose
It's safe to let it go

You - even without your hurts
Even without your story

Are enough

Joy is your natural state
It’s time for you to remember

To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






Why Being Vegan is a Prerequisite for a Relationship

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

Photo Credit: @bobbysud on Instagram

This message 
Is for you 
Whether you’re vegan 
Or not not
Not everyone will agree
But to me
Being vegan
Is a prerequisite
For a partnership
There are actually
Lots of reasons
For this
But let me give you
My primary one
The main argument 
People make

For why being vegan
Shouldn’t matter 
In a romantic relationship 
Usually goes something 
Like this:
Two people 
Don’t have to have
The exact same beliefs
To be happy together
My aunt is Republican
My uncle is a Democrat
They’ve been happily married
For 35 years
A similar argument 
Is made
For people 
With different
Religious backgrounds  
And I’m sure these scenarios exist
But political and religious issues
Have nothing on Veganism
Because two people 
With different political
Or even religious views
May still have
Very  similar morals
In other words
The WAY they live their life
Their personal code of conduct
May be identical - or very close to it
Regardless of who they voted for
Or what God they pray to
This is totally not the case
When it comes to being vegan
Because not only is being vegan
A deep and fundamental belief 
That one species is not superior 
To another 
But identifying as vegan
Actually requires action/behavior
That is in alignment
With this fundamental belief
And the action that it requires
Unlike with a lot of other issues
Isn’t “gray” or open to interpretation
The parameters are clear
And the boundaries - therefore
Are impossible to miss
I’ve seen countless vegans
Try time and time again
To come together with someone
Who doesn’t share 
In their moral code
Not only that
But I’ve done it myself

And it has caused
Both them and myself
A ton of unnecessary suffering
Now to circle back
To what I said
At the start

This message 
Is for anyone
Vegan or not
Who has ever
Tried to deny
The Truth
Of you who are
Stop pretending 
Like you don’t know
What you want
What you need
What you desire
What you deserve
Stop pretending
Like you don’t know
What your Soul 
Is calling for
Stop pretending 
Like you don’t know
Who you are
And what matters to you
So damn deeply
That until you have it
The way you want it
You don’t want it
Joy is your natural state
It’s time for you to remember 
To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.







So here’s the thing 

The life you dream of

The things that keep you up at night

The message you have to share with the world 

And the money and impact you came to make


These treasures

And more

Are unleashed

In direct proportion

To your level of commitment 


God is always asking us

Whether we hear Him or not


“Are you truly willing 

To follow your Highest Calling

Are you truly willing

To do what it takes”


Now I’m not gonna sit here and tell you
That I have it all figured out

Because I don’t

But what I can tell you for sure is this


No amount of positive thinking

Or attending seminars and workshops 

Is ever going to create the life you want

If you’re not willing to do at least

The following 3 things:

  1. Commit Fully To The Path Of Growth

This sounds obvious enough

But how often do we say one thing

And then go off and do another


How often do we proclaim our big goals

Perhaps to friends 

Or even publicly on social media

But when it comes down to it

We choose to go out partying 

Instead of creating an offer


We choose to complain about issues

We have no direct control over

Instead of expressing appreciation

To the people in our lives who truly love us


We choose to spend time with people

Who are totally out of alignment 

With our greater purpose

Instead of spending that time alone

Nourishing our bodies

Or finally reading that book

That we know can have a massive impact

On our business or our relationship 


I think you guys get the point

But I can’t over-state the importance 

Of this first step

Because everything begins with a decision

And if you’re decision isn’t non-negotiable

Then it’s not really a decision

2. Be Willing To Face Your Pain

This is a big one

And I can promise you

If you don’t like these words

There’s a really good chance 

That your (unprocessed) pain

And hurt is holding you back

Probably in all areas of your life

But definitely in business


Because we can only receive 

What we have the capacity to hold

And the more pain your body is holding onto 

The less room there is for the light to come through

Or for the relationship, money, or impact you desire 

To be yours 


There are many solutions here

But just a few ways

To address underlying, unprocessed emotions:


• Private 1:1 therapy with someone you actually trust

Is obviously one way 


• I also really like and recommend EFT 

It’s a simple practice which has helped me 

To unlock and release a lot over the years   

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique 

You can look it up on YouTube 

The best part of this is that you can do it

In the privacy of your own home


• If you’re in the LA area

Or can get yourself here

You can follow this link

To apply to attend an event called

Transformation Day

There is really nothing quite like full immersion


And this is hands-down the most impactful

Single-day event I’ve ever attended

And I’ve attended A LOT of events 

If you wanna know more 

Feel free to hit reply to this email

3. Be Willing To Get Support 

Because all the information in the world

Won’t do you any good

Unless you continue to integrate 

Everything you’re learning 

And continue to do so on a consistent basis


I can assure you 

That nobody you know

Who’s playing a really big game

Is doing it without support 

Including myself


There’s a team of people supporting me

Behind the scenes 

And there is absolutely no question

That I wouldn’t be where I am without them


You KNOW when you feel called

And not only do you owe it to Yourself

To pursue those nudges

To Listen to that tugging in your Soul

But the world needs you

Humanity needs you

Like it has never needed you before

The world is waiting on you to release the layers

Of fear, doubt, and shame


To share your story 

To share your gifts 

To do it in a way that’s totally

100% special and unique to you

Humanity is calling on all of us

With a message

With the knowing  

That there is so much more to Life

Than we’re currently experiencing

To rise 


But first you have to decide

This has to matter more to you than absolutely anything

If you think I’m exaggerating 

I’m not

And you already know 

That this is your time

That joy is your natural state

And that humanity has been waiting lifetimes for you


To our collective growth,


Tara x








Hey guys

If you’ve been reading the blog

Over the last couple of weeks

You know that this is Part 3

Of my three part series on Narcissism 

(In case you missed it you can find part 1 and part 2 on my website)


Today I wanna share 

Just one specific exercise

That can help you 


On your healing journey

So long as you actually 

Sit down and do it


I can’t emphasize this enough 

This is NOT an intellectual process

Reading this post won’t do anything for you

Unless you actually do the exercise



Great :)


The purpose of this exercise 

Is to get you back in touch 

With your feelings


Because when you’ve suffered

From any sort of abuse

Connection to Self

Has often totally been abandoned


This will require you to be 






You CAN do this

You ARE capable

And you are absolutely 





Don’t put this off

Not until tomorrow

Or after dinner

Or after you check your email

One more time


Go grab a pen and paper


Stop reading 

And go get a pen and paper

You’ll thank me later


Because this is how we heal



At a time

By actually doing the thing

By taking the action

We know we need to take


I know it feels hard

But staying where you are

Is harder

Deep down

You already know that



Glad I’ve convinced you


Step 1 - The Memory:

Reflect back on an interaction

Any interaction

You had with this person

That made you feel bad


Don’t overthink it

Just pick one

You can do this 

For multiple interactions

If you like


But we need to start with one

One SPECIFIC memory or interaction 

To work with right now


Step 2 - The Facts:

Write down the exact nature

Of the interaction

As in

What actually happened


Keep this part 

As objective 

As possible


For example:

I walked into the house
My partner asked me how my day was

And then walked out of the room

Right as I started to answer him


Or maybe he picked up his phone

Or started talking over you

Whatever it was 

Write it down

Then continue to write out

Exactly what happened


So just to continue 

With the same example 


Maybe you would go on 

To write the following


He didn’t say “hold on”

He didn’t offer an explanation

He just walked outta the room

It was almost as if

He hadn’t literally JUST asked

How my day was

And when he walked back in

And I asked him what just happened

He asked

If I was in “one of my moods” again

Or maybe he just rolled his eyes

Yes - this is a form of (covert) abuse

It’s meant to dismiss you

To dismiss your reality

To make you feel 

And often actually act




The above is just an example

To help illustrate what I mean


Step 3 - My Feelings:

Once you’ve written out

Exactly what happened

You can move onto the next step

Which is to write out

How it made you feel


This is a step that so many people

I’ve worked with over the years

Have a hard time with


Most people will go into a story

About what they THINK

Instead of how this interaction

Actually made them FEEL


I want you to know

That this is totally normal

But I also want you to understand 

That this is part of your programming

Which is to say

Being in an abusive relationship 

Has trained you 

To mistrust your own feelings 


If this has been going on long enough

Say for a number of years

Or maybe even decades

You will feel sufficiently disconnected

From the Truth of your own reality

To the point that this exercise 

Might be super challenging for you


The most important thing here

Is that you do not fall back

Into old patterns 

Or into a spiral of shame 


Do not use the fact 

That this is challenging 

As an excuse to throw your hands up

And say “it’s too hard”


It’s uncomfortable


But it’s not “too” hard

You are bigger than this

You can do this

Giving up on yourself

Is exactly what this person

Who has you under their control 

Wants you to do


So if coming up with feelings 

Is tough for you

My suggestion would be

Simply google “feeling words” 

And start working off that list

Print it out if you can

Or take a screenshot

So you can always 

Come back to it


There’s absolutely nothing wrong

With using all available resources

When you want to succeed 

At anything in Life

Healing from abuse is no different


As you work on Step 3

Notice any feelings that come up

Feelings that try and sabotage 

Your efforts to heal

Or thoughts that come up

Such as “this will never work” 

And so forth



Just see them for what they are

Part of a program that’s been running

Probably for a very long time

And our job here 

Is to write over that program


These steps may seem simple

But I promise you

If you actually do them

Not in your mind


But by taking actual




You will start to feel relief



I want to know

If you’d be interested

In a more in-depth course 

On exactly what I did

All the steps I took

To overcome Narcissistic Abuse 

In my own life


If so 

send me an email

And let me know


Joy is your natural state

It’s time for you to remember


To our collective growth,

Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






Let THIS be that glimmer


Welcome back to our series on Narcissism

If you missed last week’s post

You can find it here


Before you go on

I was specifically guided to ask

That you read this post with an open heart

And to see this as a sign post

Spirit says

You have been asking 

For a way out of pain

God/Source/the universe always hears our requests

But whether we listen 

Will always be up to us

That is the nature of this human experience 

And the nature of our free will


If your heart is open

This can be the beginning 

Of a new life for you


It all begins with you

With the decision

With the clarity 

That you don’t want to suffer anymore


Keep in mind

That you don’t have to have all the answers 

You don’t have to know “how” it will all work

The truth is you can’t

And the good news is you don’t need to


All you need to know 

Is that the way things are right now

Is no longer working for you

And that you are ready 

To change direction 


Leaving any relationship 

Is uncomfortable

Often even scary

But leaving an abusive relationship 

Is like a nightmare collapsed on to itself

Casting out all but a glimmer of light


If you’re still reading this


That there is a reason

Let THIS be that glimmer

It’s all you need 

To begin changing your life


7 Keys To Healing From Narcissistic Abuse:



Understand that your denial
Is a guaranteed path 

To your continued suffering


The trickiest aspect

Of dealing with any sort of abuse

Is the temptation to fall back asleep

By which I mean

The temptation to fall back into denial


So this first step

Is more an exercise in consciousness

It’s something you  may have to bring yourself back to

Time and time again

And that’s ok


Just know that the moment 

You start to have thoughts like

“Oh maybe it’s not that bad”

“Maybe he really gets it this time”

“This is the worst it will ever be”

“She promised she’d never do it again”


These thoughts 

Are signs

That you have fallen back asleep 

Back into the program


So you have to be willing 

To see this for what it is

A well-practiced defense mechanism

Which will keep you in hell 


If you let it


Become aware

Your denial cannot survive

The light of your awareness



If it’s an option

I’d recommend you find a good therapist 

So you can begin to have someone 

Serve as a witness to your experience


If for whatever reason 

You can’t do that at this point in time

You can start to keep a journal

In fact

I would recommend doing this either way 

Any good therapist would do the same


Keep your journal somewhere safe

If that’s not an option

Write in shorthand 

Or keep notes on your phone

Assuming this person doesn’t have access to it

You may need to get creative

But however you do it

You need to start writing things down



You need to write down

Your interactions with this person

And how they made you feel

How they made YOU feel

Not how they told you to feel

Not what they said

Not what you said

But how the interaction 

Actually made you FEEL


This might be tough at first

Because you’ve been trained

Away from your feelings

You’ve been programmed

That your feelings are a lie

They’re not

Write them down



This should really go without saying

But you have to block, delete, remove

All trace of this person

For the time being

As far as you’re concerned 

This person does not exist


There will obviously be exceptions to this

Such as when you have children with this person

Or if you are financially dependent on this person

But to those of you who aren’t in either situation 

You need to block off all contact


I know that the thought alone 

May send you spiraling

But when you’re ready - aka once you have suffered enough

You will do it

Because you will understand

That your survival depends on it

This will only sound crazy 

To someone who doesn’t get it

Because they've never been there

Which brings me to my next point



Be ruthless about the company you keep

Always - but especially while healing 

Stay away from anyone

Who seems to minimize your situation

Or your pain

Most people won’t get it

This doesn’t make them bad people

But it DOES make them bad for you to be around

While you’re in this vulnerable place


Yes that means it might get lonely

It might mean many conversations

With God

With your journal 

With your Soul

But I promise you

There is light on the other side of this



Speaking of light

There is absolutely no way

You’re gonna get through this 

Without pain


It hurts to let go of our illusions

And that’s what a lot of your pain will be about

Letting go of who you thought this person was

Letting go of the life or relationship 

You wish you could have with this person

Letting go of the dreams 

Whether real or imagined

That you had


This process of letting go - it hurts

Don’t let anyone tell you it doesn’t 

Or that it isn’t supposed to

It’s not their experience

And it’s not their pain 

And you don’t need anyone else

To validate your experience 

Or your pain



Don’t do it


Unless you wanna turn

A world of pain

Into galaxies of pain

Don’t date

Don’t even think about dating


And for that matter

To whatever degree possible

Only hang out with people 

That you have no sexual history with

Or sexual attraction to

This might also be a huge wake-up call

For some of you

Because often 

When we’re in abusive relationships 

We’ve long abandoned our loved ones

Or else they’ve cut off contact with us

Because it was too painful to watch us

Destroy ourselves

But that’s a whole other topic



If you don’t have anyone in your life

That you can honestly say you trust

And that has your back

It may be an invitation

To truly confront yourself

On a level you never have before


I know it can feel scary

And overwhelming

But trust that this is all happening

Because there is another life

Available and waiting for you

It’s just going to require some willingness

Some major willingness

On your part

In order to find your way there 



On the absolute deepest level

This process isn’t about understanding the process

It’s not even really about understanding

The other person - the so-called narcissist 

Not because they don’t exist

And not because their abuse isn’t real



But because on the deepest level

Abuse is a pattern

It’s a sign post

Telling us where 

It still hurts

Telling us where 

Our boundaries are still porous

Telling us where our wounds

Are still in desperate need

Of the love we so freely

Give away to others

But can’t stand to give ourselves


And the most important aspect 

Of this process

Is Forgiveness

Both forgiveness of those who have hurt us

When we were 

Too young

Too defenseless 

Too vulnerable 

To protect ourself

And forgiveness of ourselves 

For continuing 

To let people hurt us

Because we didn’t know

We were still trying to heal

From those who had hurt us before

Joy is your natural state 

It’s time for you to remember


To our collective growth,

Tara x






What are YOU are tolerating


Disclaimer - if the title of this post doesn’t  annoy you
Then feel free to skip to the  below 

To anyone who sort of rolls their eyes when they hear the word “narcissist”
I get it - I used to be one of those people too

And to be fair
People DO misuse the word 
And throw it around casually
When of course there’s nothing casual about dealing with a narcissistic person

Narcissism isn’t just a matter of having an inflated sense of self
It goes far deeper than that

And even though I may dislike the word as much as the next person
We use terms like this 
And language in general
To make it easier to communicate what we mean 
Without having to use a lot of description and examples each and every single time

We human beings rely on language enormously to live our day-to-day lives
If you don’t think so
Try taking a vow of silence sometime
It will completely change you

So yes, people misuse the word
Yes, most people don’t have a very deep understanding about the pathology of narcissism
And yes, the modern spiritual community seems especially repelled by the concept

And I believe the main reason for this 
Is the fact that calling someone a narcissist 
Sounds like casting blame
Versus taking full responsibility for allowing this person in your life 
And them letting them stay 
And they’re not totally wrong  

But until you understand what I’m sharing with you today 
The rest of the conversation - about personal accountability and healing - won’t matter  

End of Disclaimer 


What I really want you to understand today
(stay tuned for the personal responsibility and what-you-can-actually-do-about-it piece coming next week)
Is this 
You need to understand 
That when it comes to living your absolute best life
A relationship with a narcissistic person 
Or someone with strong traits in that direction
Will make that reality impossible
It doesn’t matter if that person is your partner, mother, father, boss, or child
And it doesn’t matter if they ever get a formal diagnosis or not
Especially given that most people who fall into this category rarely seek treatment
(If you’ve ever dealt with a narcissistic person, you know that better than anyone)

So first things first
Here are a few characteristics of true narcissists
And for the purposes of (re)evaluating your own life
Which is my desire for you
These are the characteristics that really matter:

• All narcissists abuse - whether mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually, verbally, or economically

• They never take responsibility - not verbally, and certainly not by changing their actual behavior   

• Related to the the last point, they always find a way to blame others for anything that goes wrong - and with these types of individuals, you’ll find that things are often going ‘wrong’ because others aren’t doing what they “should be”

• Their reaction to situations is often disproportionate to what the event or "trigger" was that set them off 

• The entire life, identity, and reality of this kind of person is filtered through an over-inflated sense of self which goes far beyond our everyday notion of ego, and is actually quite difficult for most ‘normal’ people to comprehend 

Just as importantly
These are some of the ways you will feel 
When in the presence of a true narcissist:

• Uneasy - not necessarily because something ‘happened’ but just because that’s how you’ll find yourself feeling when around this person  

• You will question yourself pretty much all the time - and depending on how much time you spend with this person, you can start finding it more and more difficult to make even small decisions 

• You will begin to question your interpretation of events - and eventually, your interpretation of reality as a whole

• If you dare to question anything about their version of reality, they will become enraged

• When they don’t get their way, one way or another - whether now or years from now (the true narcissist is extremely patient) - they will make you pay

• And ultimately, you will feel an overwhelming sense that you don't really exist

And the truth is
You don't 
Not to them

But here’s the real
And not-so-pleasant truth:

Like any other relationship you will ever have with another human being
A person will only treat you as good or bad as you let them

Think of this as sort of a corollary to the idea that you will always get in life what you tolerate

So the place to start is to ask yourself what are you tolerating

What are YOU are tolerating

Not what is the other person doing

But what have you allowed to take place
In this particular relationship 
With this particular person 
And perhaps with others before them

The biggest obstacle people have 
When they start doing this work
Is the refusal to see things 
As they are
And NOT worse than they are

And especially to see yourself 
As someone who deserves 
Your own forgiveness and compassion 
To see YOURSELF as you are
As someone who is on their own Soul’s journey
And as hard as it may be to believe 
From where you’re standing right now
There is a way out of these dynamics and relationships
Which will be the topic of next week’s post

Joy is your natural state
It’s time for you to remember 

To our collective growth

If you have questions please reply by email.






What’s on your heart matters. Let the things you see wrong in the world serve as your motivation to change them. Spread a message that’s greater than you ♥️

If you have questions please reply by email.






Why are we so afraid of the emptiness?


This post is picking up where last week’s newsletter piece left off
If you missed it
You can catch it  here

So the question we left off with was
Why are we so afraid of the emptiness 
Why does even the word emptiness 
Bring about such a feeling of gloom 
And sometimes even shame for so many of us

Ironically, I’ve noticed this to be even more common
Among the more awakened, progressive and spiritual circles
Where people intellectually understand so much 
Yet are far from immune to the highs and lows
That often accompany walking this road less traveled

So the first question is why?
Why the fear?
Why do we prefer to hold onto what doesn’t serve us
Instead of creating space to allow what does (serve us) to come through

Well for starters, we’ve been conditioned to believe that emptiness is “bad”
We’ve been conditioned to believe that if we’re not busy
Or happy - like we imagine everyone else to be
Or in a constant state of euphoria - again, like we imagine everyone else to be

Then something must be wrong with us

We fear the emptiness because in the emptiness we have to meet ourselves
Often for the first time 
We have to sit with emotions that can be extremely uncomfortable 
But that’s not all of it

The reason we often feel the fear so acutely
Is because of our identification with the emotions we experience
We take our emotions on as facts
We literally believe that we ARE the emotion we’re experiencing 

Given how many emotions we can experience in any given day
Is it any wonder then 
That how we feel about ourselves is so inconsistent 
So unpredictable 

I’ll let you in on a not-so-little secret
You are not your emotions 
And yet your emotions matter immensely 
Because they are a sort of guidance system 
A compass if you will

However, until you make friends with your emotions
Until you allow each and every one of them a seat at the dinner table
They will continue to rule your life
And you will continue to play hide and seek with your potential
Because your fear of what’s going on inside of you will keep you stuck

The other reason we are afraid of the unknown 
Is because we are wired to be afraid of anything we don’t understand 
I can’t overemphasize this point enough 
This is why positive thinking will only ever get you so far

The Truth - the deeper Truth that many so-called teachers don’t want to speak
Either because they don’t know it themselves
Or because it doesn’t “sell” as well
Is that the only way out is through 

It is always through

So how do we begin to do this?

3 components to consider: 

Your Environment: I spoke about this last week so go here to read my thoughts

  • Your Inner Dialogue: How do you talk to yourself? 

What is the story you tell yourself about who you are? 
What is the story you tell yourself about who other people are? 
What is the story you tell yourself about the world you live in? 
Is it a safe place? 
Is it a scary place? 
Are people fundamentally good? Evil? 
Are you hopeful about our potential as a humanity to rise in consciousness? 
Or do you see doom and gloom everywhere you look? 
And how is this story — this inner dialogue — working out for you? 
What impact is it having on your life? 
Your relationships? 
Your income? 
Can you see the correlation between your fear and how constricted your life feels? 

In contrast 
Can you see the correlation between your willingness to remain open-hearted (despite your fear) And how abundant your life feels?

    •    What You Feed Your Body: This is two-fold

It’s about what you actually consume in terms of food
So the questions to ask yourself would include: 
Am I eating high-vibrational foods?
Am I consuming enough fruits and vegetables? 
Am I drinking enough water? 
Remember we are electric Beings and we are made up of 70% water
Am I still consuming animal flesh, eggs or liquids? 
Now - before you decide to unsubscribe
I’d like to ask you to consider the following fact
Emotions are stored in our cells
This is true for humans, of course, but it’s also true for animals
And the truth about what happens when an animal is sent to slaughter
Even if his or her life up until that moment has been relatively good 
Is that their entire system is taken over by Fear, Shock, Terror 
Emotions which are then stored and locked into their cells
And transferred to your cells the moment you consume them
This is something your mind will try to reject
But your Soul will immediately recognize the Truth of it
So if you’re a relatively connected person, you’ve already got it
So I’ll leave that there for now
The second piece of this is about what you feed your body 
By way of what you consume mentally and emotionally
See #1 on Your Environment for the physical/people part of this
But also consider the non-tangible stuff you consume
Here, the questions to ask yourself would include:
What kind of pages do I follow on social media? 
What other sorts of information do I consume? 
How do I feel after spending 20 minutes on Instagram of Facebook? 
Am I looking at content that leaves me feeling tired? Uninspired? Or less than? 
And am I willing to be more intentional about what I allow to penetrate my mind? 
Am I willing to unfollow pages that make me feel bad about myself? 
Without the need to justify it to myself or anyone else?

If you commit to becoming more mindful about these 3 things
Your environment
Your inner dialogue 
What you feed your body
You will begin to have a more clear vessel
And you will without a doubt begin to raise your vibration

These things
Especially when combined
Will do more to help you clear out fear
Than all the self-help books in the world combined  

Well for starters because they’re action-oriented 
And one of the biggest ‘blocks’ to changing our reality 
Is the willingness to make different choices 
And take different actions
But also because taking these steps will help to ground you deeper 
Into the Truth of who you really are

When you hang out with toxic people
Think toxic thoughts
And eat toxic food
The results you get will closely mimic
 those states of being

So wouldn’t it make total sense then
That when you clear out negatively 
Start observing your emotions instead of identifying AS your emotions 
And start eating more live, high-vibe foods (aka not consuming death)
And increasing your water intake even by one glass of water per day
That your results will closely mimic 
This new state of being?

The kicker is you actually have to DO the new thing 
Take the action
Make the effort
Don’t wait for the motivation 
Understand that the motivation comes in the doing
It FOLLOWS the actions
It doesn’t come before it

Yes you ARE capable
You CAN do it
And yes it really DOES matter that you do

Humanity is waiting on you 
On all of us
To rise 

To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with


Thanks so much for signing up for my newsletter!

I’m so excited you’ve decided to come on this journey with me

This week I wanna talk to you about something so fundamental
That without it
Reaching all your other goals is always gonna seem like an uphill battle

It’s about the importance of environment
And why your environment is the single biggest predictor of your outcomes

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression 

“You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”

And if you really stop and look around
You’ll see how much truth there is to that statement 

This is easy for most of us to grasp if we’re dealing with a truly unhealthy situation
Something that’s obviously toxic
Or even downright abusive

And it goes without saying that if you’re dealing with any of that
Whether it’s a romantic relationship
A family member - especially someone you live with 
Or a friend that you have any sort of regular contact with
It’s going to affect the overall direction of your life

But what’s less obvious 
Is when you’re dealing with people who may not be “toxic” in an obvious way
But you know deep down they’re still not good for you 

This is especially going to be true for you if: You’ve done a fair amount of (personal development) work on yourselfYou’re sensitive to your environment (this is a good thing btw so don’t ever let anyone, including yourself, make you believe otherwise)You have really big dreams

You’ve done a fair amount of inner work:

If you’ve been on the healing path for a while, you’ve learned things about yourself that the people around you probably haven’t (aka - you’ve become more insightful about yourself and the people around you probably don’t have the same level of insight about themselves)
This isn’t about being better than anyone 
It’s simply about accepting the fact that you will thrive more if you surround yourself with people who are on a similar path 

You’re sensitive (aka you’re a ‘sensing’ person)
You’re attuned to your environment
You pick up on things - body language, people’s tone of voice, subtle changes in your surroundings - that others may not 
This means your energy might be more easily affected than the people around you
Especially if you’re going through a tough time and less to ‘give’ to others strictly in terms of your energy 
This will be even more true if you’re someone who aims to please others (I’ll say more on people-pleasing in a future post)
Being a deeply feeling person can sometimes make relating to the “normal” world feel like a challenge 

You have big huge dreams
And finally, there’s the matter of purpose
Your dreams
Your vision
Your calling
Whether you know what that is yet or not
It doesn’t matter
You know that you have one
And you know that it’s big

If any of that describes you, there’s one thing I can tell you for certain:

Hanging out with people who don’t encourage - or even worse, who minimize - your dreams is gonna slow you WAY down
And the funny thing is, it won’t just slow you down is the area of your dreams
It’ll slow you down in all areas of your life

Because in this reality of ours, everything is connected
And unhappiness in one area of life (whether that’s your job, your relationship, your body or your money situation) will always spill into unhappiness in every other area too 

So back to the importance of environment 
Nothing will shift your life faster than letting go of people and situations that no longer serve you

Is this easy?

Is it necessary?

Of course, you can try and play it safe and do the whole

“Let me try and find new people to hang out with before I let go of the circle I’m in now”

But again, it’s slower going
And it also lends itself to the question 

“What am I so afraid of?”

Well the answer to that will be found in next week’s newsletter 
But I’ll give you a hint
It has to do with fear, ancestral programming, and the unknown 

Until then, I love you 

And remember, joy is your natural state

It’s time to remember 

To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






Did you know that your mental health is directly correlated to what you put into your body? 🧘‍♀️Watch to see my thoughts on the mind body relationship and hear some surprising facts on inflammation 🌱

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Make the Connection


Everyone has at least heard about the disastrous wildfires in Australia by now. But did you know that the same number of animals dying in the fires (an estimated 500 million) is slaughtered every two days for meat consumption?


Please take a moment to make the connection to your own habits and consider opting for a lifestyle that doesn’t include violence towards animals. If you find yourself having compassion when seeing the burned cattle bodies in Australia, how can you not have compassion for the same creatures being slaughtered for your dinner? 😢It’s time to look to the things we have control over.


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You’re either observing reality or you’re creating it


Distraction has always been the greatest weapon of control.

You’re either observing reality or you’re creating it. You’re absolutely never doing both. It’s fine to be aware of what’s going on in the world. But if you give all your attention to it, not only are you not giving your attention to your own life, but you’re also not changing anything about the world. Which is ironically the main reason most people give for being so into politics in the first place.

And I get it. I was a Political Economy major in undergrad and there was a time I seriously considered giving my whole life to politics. That was back when I wanted to be a lawyer. And don’t get me wrong, we need the right people in politics too. So on the face of it, there’s nothing wrong with that.

But there’s a deeper truth I’ve learned since that time: in order to change the world, we have to change ourselves. This sounds easy on the surface, but it’s not. Because we have to change ourselves from the inside out and because if you commit deeply to this work, it really never ends. So you don’t have time for distractions.

I know this reality is very compelling. And I know there are many things wrong with it. And that right there is actually all the more reason to do the inner work. Because that’s truly the only way to shift, alchemize, bend and alter the reality we perceive and experience.

There are so many beautiful people doing so many amazing things in this world. There are so many animals waiting for you to truly see and honor them. There are so many children waiting for your warm embrace. There are so many beautiful frequencies and realms available to us while we are here in this physical body. So many beautiful places God has created for us to see.

So yes, acknowledge what you don’t like about the world. But make sure you use these things to fuel your passions, not your criticisms and observations. And let them be YOUR passions. Let them extend beyond your television screen or the device in your hand. Don’t give into the temptation of distraction. It will rob you of everything you came here to be.

To our collective remembering,
❤️❤️❤️ Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






Generational trauma is a real thing. But can we overcome it with generational wisdom?

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It's a Calling


Activism and social justice aren’t about doing what “makes sense” — they’re about doing what you know deep within your Soul you came here to do. So you can leave this world a better place for your (our) children and for all Life on Earth.

Somedays it’s about doing what you need to do — SAYING what you need to say — just so you can sleep at night.

When you allow yourself to be available to the life God wants for you, it’s not a hustle. It’s a calling. Stay woke. I love you all

♥️🌱 Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.




Soul Family


Souls recognize one other. Your Soul Family is always with you no matter where you are, no matter where you go, no matter what you do.


The six of us in this photo are first cousins. We’re connected by blood, but the reason for our connection runs much deeper.

Truth is we all have family members we don’t feel this kind of connection with. And we all have non-blood related friends and relationships where we absolutely do.

These people are our Soul Family.

Souls recognize one other. Your Soul Family is always with you no matter where you are, no matter where you go, no matter what you do.

These connections don’t need explanations. They defy time. And, even though challenges arise, love remains their dominant frequency.

Love like this is eternal. It is from before this life and will extend well beyond it. It is forever.

I know the holidays aren’t an easy time for everyone, but if you can, remember that your Soul Family is the family you get to choose for yourself.

And that it’s very possible for you to resonate even with people you’ve never met in person more you do with the people you may physically have around you right now.

Again, if you can, allow this to be enough, for now. Let it bring you a little bit of relief. A little bit of peace.

You are loved,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.




Nobody Else Has The Key To Your Life, Only You


Nobody Else Has The Key To Your Life, Only You — And Deep Down You Know It 🔐🌱 Other people are an inconsistent and unreliable source of guidance at best. With very rare exceptions — such as a super trusted friend or mentor who actually has whatever it is that you’re looking for — most people will not be able to offer you anything close to the guidance that is available to you when you learn to tune within ♥️

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Own it


The world needs your knowledge, your gifts, your passion.
Humanity has been waiting lifetimes for you.

I had a dream last night, it was unlike any dream I’ve ever had before. It put the fragility of life directly before me. This dream, which was more of a nightmare tbh, I believe happened in order to encode my cells with a deep understanding that life is very short. And that once we go, the opportunity for change in this lifetime goes with us.

Of course from a very broad perspective, that’s alright because Spirit never dies. But from the equally important perspective that acknowledges how important the work we came here to do is, dying would not help as much as living fully into our purpose would.

So then the question becomes how to live. How to live fully. How to live for oneself. How to live for our true purpose. How to totally embody our planetary mission. How to cultivate our relationship with God. How to become a true vessel. How to do it and how to do it as quickly as possible because there are many things humanity is waiting on us to stand up and claim.

But none of these things can happen without more people like me and you standing up and declaring that it is so. We have immeasurable power amongst us. We have immeasurable power within us. But we have to own it. We have to stand up. We have to do the internal work. We have to speak up. We have to be VERY clear on why we’re here and what we’re here to do. Because without clarity we can’t be confident. And without confidence, we can’t do much.

The other truth is that we rise together. And I want to help you rise. Just as people have helped (and continue to help) me rise.







The universe can’t give you what you want, if you’re not clear and specific about what it is you want.

So here are just a few of my infinite journaling prompts to get you started: ⭐️ How much personal influence do you believe you have over your goals/life? ⭐️ What would you like to be happening in your life right now, that isn’t? ⭐️ What does success look like to you? Be as specific as possible. If money is a part of this picture (and tbh, it is for all of us) get super specific about exactly how much money you want, and WHY you want it - as in list out all the things you would use this money on. Doing monthly expenses - both for things you have to pay for, as well as things you just want additional income for - ie travel, contribution to a sanctuary you love, etc - works best for most people. ⭐️ How will you know when you have arrived at the optimal place in your life? How will you FEEL? This is obviously ever-changing. So don’t worry about seeing further out than you can currently see. Just reach as far as you can and tap into the feeling of that. ⭐️ What activity are you currently engaging in, that if you STOPPED doing, would get you closer to your goals?

Spend some time.
Take actual pen to paper.
Yes it’s better than typing.
It’s actually toootally different in terms of your neural (brain) networks.

Most importantly, have fun with it! And let me know how you go or if you have questions. Happy creating :) So much love,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.






It's in the tone of your voice;
it's in the energy of your walk.

It’s not so much your anger, but your denial about it - that’s really what’s strangling your relationship. I’m addressing women in this post but the same can be true with all genders of course.

Believe it or not, it’s never lost on a man when you’re angry, whether you actually admit to being angry or not.

And I say this with a heart full of love - your man can see through your fake smile; he can see past your niceties.

He can feel your impatience; he can hear your (silent) criticism.

It's in the tone of your voice; it's in the energy of your walk.

He sees right through the helpful “suggestions" – whether for what to wear or directions on how to get somewhere, when he didn’t ask!

And the only thing more upsetting to a man than seeing his woman unhappy, is when she doesn't respect the relationship enough to - without blaming him - actually let him know how she feels.

So what to do? Well if you've been disconnected from your anger for a long time (i.e. saying you're *not* angry, even when you feel a massive distance in your relationship), the first step is to simply stop doing THAT.

It's to stop pretending. It’s to stop saying "nothing" when he asks you what's wrong.

It's learning to STOP SAYING "I'm fine" when it's very clear that you're not fine. It's learning to start telling the truth - especially to yourself.

What if you don't know the truth?

It's OK to say "I'm not sure." It's OK to say "this doesn't feel good." It's OK to say "I'm confused and need some time to sort it out." It's OK to start by simply not denying your emotions.

Not only will it begin to bridge the distance in your relationship, it will begin to make YOU feel more whole - which will do more for your relationship than all the strategies and self-help books in the world combined.

To our collective growth,
Tara x

If you have questions please reply by email.